数字双胞胎(DT)本质上是动态数据驱动的模型,可作为现实世界系统的实时共生“虚拟副本”。 DT可以利用动态数据驱动的应用系统(DDDAS)双向共生感应反馈循环的基本面来进行连续更新。因此,传感循环可以操纵测量,分析和重新配置,旨在在DT中进行更准确的建模和分析。重新配置决策可以是自主的或互动的,可以保持人类在循环中。这些决定的可信赖性可能会因理由的解释性不足而阻碍,并在实施替代方案之间对给定情况的决定中获得了实用性。此外,不同的决策算法和模型具有不同的复杂性,质量,并可能导致模型获得不同的效用。解释性的不足可能会限制人类可以评估决策的程度,通常会导致更新,这些更新不适合给定的情况,错误,损害了模型的整体准确性。本文的新颖贡献是一种利用人类界DDDA和DT系统中解释性的方法,利用双向共生感应反馈。该方法利用可解释的机器学习和目标建模来解释性,并考虑了获得的实用程序的权衡分析。我们使用智能仓储中的示例来演示这种方法。
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乘车共享因其方便和乘客的便利性和成本效率而获得了全球知名度,以及其强大的潜力有助于实施联合国可持续发展目标。结果,近年来,目睹了RSODP的研究兴趣(用于乘车共享的原产地预测)问题,目的是预测未来的乘车共享请求并提前为车辆提供时间表。大多数现有的预测模型都利用深度学习,但是它们无法有效地考虑空间和时间动态。在本文中,提出了基准的门控注意复发网络(BGARN),该网络(BGARN)使用具有多头门的图形卷积来提取空间特征,以提取时间特征的复发模块以及基线转移层来计算最终结果。该模型是使用Pytorch和DGL(Deep Graph库)实施的,并使用纽约出租车需求数据集对实验进行了评估。结果表明,BGARN在预测准确性方面优于所有其他现有模型。
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Recent advances in deep learning have enabled us to address the curse of dimensionality (COD) by solving problems in higher dimensions. A subset of such approaches of addressing the COD has led us to solving high-dimensional PDEs. This has resulted in opening doors to solving a variety of real-world problems ranging from mathematical finance to stochastic control for industrial applications. Although feasible, these deep learning methods are still constrained by training time and memory. Tackling these shortcomings, Tensor Neural Networks (TNN) demonstrate that they can provide significant parameter savings while attaining the same accuracy as compared to the classical Dense Neural Network (DNN). In addition, we also show how TNN can be trained faster than DNN for the same accuracy. Besides TNN, we also introduce Tensor Network Initializer (TNN Init), a weight initialization scheme that leads to faster convergence with smaller variance for an equivalent parameter count as compared to a DNN. We benchmark TNN and TNN Init by applying them to solve the parabolic PDE associated with the Heston model, which is widely used in financial pricing theory.
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Recommender systems aim to answer the following question: given the items that a user has interacted with, what items will this user likely interact with next? Historically this problem is often framed as a predictive task via (self-)supervised learning. In recent years, we have seen more emphasis placed on approaching the recommendation problem from a policy optimization perspective: learning a policy that maximizes some reward function (e.g., user engagement). However, it is commonly the case in recommender systems that we are only able to train a new policy given data collected from a previously-deployed policy. The conventional way to address such a policy mismatch is through importance sampling correction, which unfortunately comes with its own limitations. In this paper, we suggest an alternative approach, which involves the use of local policy improvement without off-policy correction. Drawing from a number of related results in the fields of causal inference, bandits, and reinforcement learning, we present a suite of methods that compute and optimize a lower bound of the expected reward of the target policy. Crucially, this lower bound is a function that is easy to estimate from data, and which does not involve density ratios (such as those appearing in importance sampling correction). We argue that this local policy improvement paradigm is particularly well suited for recommender systems, given that in practice the previously-deployed policy is typically of reasonably high quality, and furthermore it tends to be re-trained frequently and gets continuously updated. We discuss some practical recipes on how to apply some of the proposed techniques in a sequential recommendation setting.
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Entrainment is the phenomenon by which an interlocutor adapts their speaking style to align with their partner in conversations. It has been found in different dimensions as acoustic, prosodic, lexical or syntactic. In this work, we explore and utilize the entrainment phenomenon to improve spoken dialogue systems for voice assistants. We first examine the existence of the entrainment phenomenon in human-to-human dialogues in respect to acoustic feature and then extend the analysis to emotion features. The analysis results show strong evidence of entrainment in terms of both acoustic and emotion features. Based on this findings, we implement two entrainment policies and assess if the integration of entrainment principle into a Text-to-Speech (TTS) system improves the synthesis performance and the user experience. It is found that the integration of the entrainment principle into a TTS system brings performance improvement when considering acoustic features, while no obvious improvement is observed when considering emotion features.
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用户每天在各种社交网络平台上暴露于大量有害内容。一种解决方案是使用机器学习技术开发在线审核工具。但是,通过在线平台处理用户数据需要遵守隐私政策。联合学习(FL)是ML范式,在该范围内,在用户设备上本地进行培训。尽管FL框架符合GDPR政策,但仍然可能发生隐私泄漏。例如,访问最终训练模型的攻击者可以成功地对参与培训过程的用户的数据进行不必要的推断。在本文中,我们为包含差异隐私(DP)的在线内容审核提出了一个隐私的FL框架。为了证明我们的方法的可行性,我们专注于在Twitter上检测有害内容 - 但总体概念可以推广到其他类型的不当行为。我们以FL方式模拟了文本分类器,该分类器可以检测具有有害内容的推文。我们表明,对于DP和非DP FL版本,提出的FL框架的性能可以接近集中式方法。此外,即使有少数客户(每个数据点)可用于FL培训,它也具有高性能。当减少客户端数量(从50到10)或每个客户端的数据点(从1K到0.1K)时,分类器仍然可以达到约81%的AUC。此外,我们将评估扩展到其他四个Twitter数据集,这些数据集捕获了不同类型的用户行为不当,并且仍然获得了有希望的性能(61%-80%的AUC)。最后,我们在FL培训阶段探索用户设备上的开销,并表明本地培训不会引入过多的CPU利用率和内存消耗开销。
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给定一系列自然语言描述,我们的任务是生成与文本相对应的3D人类动作,并遵循指令的时间顺序。特别是,我们的目标是实现一系列动作的综合,我们将其称为时间动作组成。文本条件运动合成中的艺术现状仅采用单个动作或单个句子作为输入。这部分是由于缺乏包含动作序列的合适训练数据,但这也是由于其非自动进取模型公式的计算复杂性,该计算的规模不能很好地扩展到长序列。在这项工作中,我们解决了这两个问题。首先,我们利用了最近的Babel运动文本集合,该收藏品具有广泛的标记作用,其中许多作用以它们之间的过渡为顺序。接下来,我们设计了一种基于变压器的方法,该方法在动作中进行非自动打击,但在动作序列中进行自动加工。与多个基线相比,这种层次配方在我们的实验中被证明有效。我们的方法被称为“为人类动作的时间动作组成”教授,为各种各样的动作和语言描述中的时间构成产生了现实的人类动作。为了鼓励从事这项新任务的工作,我们将代码用于研究目的,以$ \ href {toch.is.tue.mpg.de} {\ textrm {我们的网站}} $。
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